with Daniel Giamario and Erik M Roth
A Two-Part Webinar Series that follows up on the Groundbreaking “Mars and the Sacred Journey” Teleclass/Webinar Series
Purchase them as PART ONE, PART TWO or as an ENTIRE PACKAGE (Best Value! Save $67 off of buying each part separately). All webinars are available for replay and download within 2 days after the class completes.
IT’S NOT TOO LATE to JOIN us for this Webinar Series!
NEXT WEBINAR is February 12, 2018 at 5pm pacific!
You can still be a part of this Magical Martian Adventure through the Night Sky and within our souls.
Members of the Shamanic Astrology Mystery School™ (membership info HERE) get a special rate (UP TO $80 OFF, depending on the Membership Level) on these Classes.
Celebrate the celestial stories and knowledge of the planet Mars in Shamanic Astrology! Create empowerment and wholeness in your life and learn to work with and honor your inner masculine, no matter your gender.
Mars has been given a bad rap for much of the last couple thousand years in astrology. The red planet has been misunderstood as to its more authentic intent for us personally and collectively.
There is not much information out there today beyond some of the more basic and malefic definitions in several books that draw their information from Ptolemy in ancient Greece. The vast majority of astrologers tend not to look at celestial patterns of Mars nor see an opportunity to work with Mars on a ceremonial level that is now being re-birthed with Venus in astrology. What has been done in recent centuries only skims the surface as to what can learned about the planet Mars in astrology.
In this webinar series, Daniel Giamario, the founder and master teacher of Shamanic Astrology and Erik Roth, a certified Shamanic Astrologer and teacher in SAMS will be following up with a new Webinar Series on the tails of their successful investigation of the recent Mars Teleclass/Webinar Series over the last 2 years. This new series is on the leading edge of in looking at the astrological nature of Mars, the masculine in the current age and cosmological quest of Mars as it travels through the constellations, meeting other planets and helping us to tune into full-spectrum of the sacred and divine masculine over thousands of years.
How can we bring Mars into our lives in a healthy and authentic manner? How can Mars bring ceremony into our lives in a similar way that Venus does? What is the sacred pattern of Mars? What is the Hero’s Quest or Journey when it relates to the night sky? Many stories and myths originate from both Mars and Venus, going back thousands of years, including stories of Mars and Venus together in the sky.
NEW: Erik will be presenting NEW Material on the connection to the Mars journey across the signs and constellation with our understanding of the Hero’s Quest and the general call to adventure and growth we all experience. In addition, we will be looking at another, more specific connection to the ancient Mesopotamian story of Nergal (Mars) and Erishkigal (Underworld Goddess) and our understanding of the Mars/Moon conjunctions.
To help you prepare for this webinar series, we encourage you to read the following articles:
- Overview of Mars Synodic Cycle by Daniel Giamario
- Mars in Libra by Daniel Giamario
- The Full Spectrum New Mars Cycle 2014-2016 by Daniel Giamario
- Mars and the Sacred Journey by Erik M Roth
- Wavelengths of Mars in Libra by Erik M Roth
Each participant will receive several supporting handouts throughout the series that go into great detail about the Mars cycle, the myths, modern imagery and hints on working with Mars ceremonially. You will also have access to the recordings without a time limit.
Summary of what you will receive and learn from being a part of the unique webinar series:
- 13 webinars (full series) that guide you through the entire Mars Journey – all are recorded and available afterwards
- A Bonus Introductory Mars Teleclass with Erik Roth on April 26th
- Dozens of Detailed Handouts about Mars and the Masculine in Your Life
- A greater understanding of working with the Masculine energy for Wholeness and Life Empowerment
- Knowledge of the Real Essence of the Full-Spectrum of the Masculine (also as it relates to the Feminine)
- A Clearer Understanding of the Night Sky from the perspective of the Mars Quest
- The Various Phases of Mars (and You) as we experience the Call to Adventure, our life challenges, our Rebirth, Maturity and Transformation!
- And over 50 years of combined Astrological Knowledge, Wisdom and Experience from Shamanic Astrologers Daniel Giamario and Erik Roth
Purchase the Full Webinar Series Package for $257 ($197 for Bronze/Gold Members of SAMS, $177 for Platinum) Here –
You will be e-mailed instructions on how to access each webinar within 1-2 days of the webinar date:
CLICK HERE to purchase the full Series
See Part One and Two Below
In this first chapter of the webinar series, Daniel and Erik outline the basic understanding of Mars Cycles, including what Mars is in Shamanic Astrology, how it relates to the movement of Mars in the sky and how to track its orbit by navigating the night sky.
Every two years or so, Mars occupies a small region of the sky due to Earth’s orbit “catching up” with Mars. This year it is happening right now in the sign of Sagittarius and Scorpio and the constellation of the Scorpion. It is a rich and powerful part of the sky that is connected to the Golden Gate at Galactic Center, the meaning of monthly conjunctions of Mars and the Moon and ancient imagery of the star Antares.
In addition, Daniel and Erik will explore the role Saturn plays while it “stays” with Mars for several months, helping us clarify the limits and boundaries in our lives, especially as it relates to the masculine and patriarchy.
Later, we will follow Mars as the planet transits other constellations like the Archer and Goat-Fish and meets up with the Divine Feminine in Venus for an early evening meeting. Whenever Venus and Mars meet in the sky, it evokes those stories of ancient origins about the masculine’s dance with the feminine like Rapunzel and many others. Even in modern times, many similar stories using a thousand variations of character and circumstances play out.
Beyond that, you will receive several supporting handouts that go into great detail about the Mars cycle, the myths, modern imagery and hints on working with Mars ceremonially.
Join Daniel and Erik as they journey into undiscovered country with a familiar, yet astrologically-misunderstood planet.
1st Webinar: May 2nd – Phase Zero & One (Daniel & Erik)
The Quest Begins Here! With the advent of the rise of Mars at the setting of the Sun on May 22nd, it kicks off the Quest of Mars as it journey through the Scorpion Constellation and the Signs of Sagittarius and Scorpio. The Mars Retrograde will also be discussed during this webinar. Daniel and Erik will explore the myths of the Scorpion and the nature of the seasonal sign of Sagittarius. What stories are to be told here? What will be discovered? The Call to Adventure for the Hero is revealed.
2nd Webinar: July 11th – Phase One/1st Labor
Mars continues from Retrograde to moving forward again as the brightness of Mars begins to dim slightly. Mars, still in the Scorpion constellation gets closer to the planet Saturn, making for a coming 3-way conjunction between Mars, Saturn and Spirit Star, Antares (known in ancient Greece as the Rival of Mars). Interpretations of this pattern are discussed along with any personal stories. In addition, the first “Labor” or “Challenge” of Mars occurs as Mars crosses back over past its original path, then meeting the Moon. This is the first trial, challenge or task put to Mars during this cycle.
3rd Webinar: Sept 14th – 2nd and 3rd Labors
Mars has made its way through the Scorpion and into Galactic Center and the Archer Constellation. The tasks ahead are the 2nd and 3rd Labors or Challenges. Daniel and Erik will discuss the nature of these labors and offer up ways to work with it ceremonially. The Mars Quest is in full swing and leaving behind Saturn for a near-future meeting with Feminine Principal, Venus in the evening sky in October.
4th Webinar: Nov 10th (Moved from November 2nd) – 4th and 5th Labors
The 4th and 5th Labors put Mars to task with understanding the signs of Capricorn and Aquarius as well continued explorations of the constellations of the Archer and the Water-Bearer.
5th Webinar: Jan 12th – 6th and 7th Labors
The 6th and 7th Labors take place in the mystical sign of Pisces and the mission-oriented sign of Aries and the Spring Equinox point in the constellation of the Fish. It is a time of launching forward into new energy and truth.
6th Webinar: Feb 26th – 8th and 9th Labors
The 8th and 9th Labors of the Mars-Moon conjunctions allow Erik and Daniel to explore more on Aries and introduce mid-spring energetic vitality of Taurus in the constellation of the Ram.
7th Webinar: May 10th – 11th Labor and entering the Underworld
Capping off Phase 2 in the Mars Quest before the red planet’s entry into the glare of the Sun and hence the Underworld, Mars is given 2 more tasks. These challenges take place in the cosmic shape-shifting archetype of Gemini in with the stars of Pleiades and the Bull near the Galactic Edge/Extreme.
Join Part One Here! Only $167 ($127 for Members of SAMS) – Be Sure to check your promo/discount code on samsmembers.com
CLICK HERE to purchase Part One
In the second half of the webinar series with Daniel and Erik, beginning in July of 2017, an inquiry into the idea of the underworld and how we see planets “disappearing” in the glare of the Sun is considered to be a trigger for an underworld initiation in people individually and collectively.
Daniel and Erik will also explore Mars’ rebirth out of the underworld and into the early morning skies. The journey of Mars takes a vulnerable and humbling turn, but growing slowly in strength and illumination. The red planet begins to complete the circuit of signs and constellations during this post-underworld phase, exploring new frontiers from the original start back in May of 2016. Daniel and Erik will continue to talk in greater depth as to the masculine’s role and relationship with the stars and planets that Mars meets along the way. Each star, planet and constellation means something to us humans down here. The ancient cultures lived and breathed a life that included more than just simple sky-watching. The celestial world was part of their everyday existence and Mars was a part of that life.
In the next phase, coming in early 2018, when Mars traces back its path to the Scorpion and Sagittarius, a new perspective and maturity comes to the masculine and the exploration of the depth of what that truly means. Toward the end of the cycle, in the spring of 2018, a new player will be introduced before a weary and nearly complete Mars slows down as Earth once again catches up with the red planet bringing us to the sign of Aquarius and the constellation of the Goat-Fish.
1st Webinar: July 13th, 2017 – Underworld Phase/Solar Eclipse near Mars
2nd Webinar: Sept 7, 2017 at 5pm Pacific time – End of Underworld and Sagittarius Rebirth
3rd Webinar: (To Be Determined) – Phase Four (covering Nov and Dec 2017)
4th Webinar: Feb 12th – Phase Five covering rest of Jan, Feb and March
5th Webinar: March 29th – Phase Five covering April and May
6th Webinar: May 14th – Phase Zero / Aquarius / Bright Mars
Join Part Two Here! Only $157 ($117 for Members of SAMS) – Be Sure to check your promo/discount code on samsmembers.com
CLICK HERE to purchase Part Two
Sign up for any of the three options – make your choice by CLICKING HERE