A 3-Hour Webinar Celebration
with Daniel Giamario, Cayelin Castell, and others
December Solstice Event Details
Signup for the online webinar and watch the replay!
from Sunday December 20 2020
- What is Covered
With Daniel and Cayelin: An exploration of the triple square of Saturn in Aquarius with Uranus in Taurus, the dominant energy of 2021. This investigation will include the intriguing connection to similar aspects in 2000. The involvement of Mars and Jupiter in this configuration will be included. The investigation with look into the history of this aspect and the planetary relationships with the Taurus and Aquarius Mystery Schools. - Cayelin and Daniel lead a December solstice invocation and meditation on-line ceremony.
- Daniel and Cayelin share their yearly look ahead and perspective on the upcoming year of 2021. Included will be the eclipse seasons, the synodic cycles, the Mercury retrogrades and much more.
- Q & A with Daniel, Cayelin, and the SAMS Council
Payment and Registration
$55 – Non-Members of SAMS
$50 – Basic Members of SAMS
$40 – Bronze and Gold Members of SAMS
$30 – Platinum Members of SAMS
Once payment is complete, your browser will re-direct you to complete your registration so please don’t close your browser or page once payment is complete – be sure to wait for the registration page to appear.
If you are not a member of the Shamanic Astrology Mystery School, you can join here and receive the special member rate. 100% of the proceeds from this event go to support the School as a 501 (c) 3 educational non-profit.