Thank you for your support of SAMS and our 2019 Webinar Series with new educational material from Daniel Giamario, Cayelin Castell and Erik Roth and Tami Brunk. We hope you enjoy this year’s slate of classes.
The recording of the Ceremonial Magic with Shamanic Astrology webinar was the last in the series of 4 webinars. It is posted below with the first 3 webinars.
The slides and a handout from the webinar are below:
PDF of Slides used in the Ceremonial Magic Webinar
Definition of Ceremony and Quotes about Ceremony
Jupiter in Capricorn Webinar – 1 hour, 33 minutes
Jupiter in Capricorn Tables PDF – 2019 to 2020
Venus Meta Goddesses with Cayelin Castell and Tami Brunk
PDF of the Slides used for the MetaGoddesses
All About Retrogrades Webinar – 1 hour, 48 minutes
Here are helpful supporting documents specifically pertaining to this webinar:
Retrograde Planets Slides Used PDF-revised
PDF of Planetary Stations Points to 2030
PDF Retrograde Planets Comparison
PDF Retrograde Periods of Mars 1941-2041
If you have any questions about this webinar series, feel free to contact our Managing Director, Erik Roth by e-mail at