August 17, 2020 at 5pm Pacific time / 8 pm Eastern time
with Daniel Giamario and Erik M Roth
What is Mars in astrology? What is the Masculine? What is the true role Mars plays in each of our lives? Has astrology adequately explained how valuable Mars is as an ally and beneficial initiator, guide and teacher?
There is not much information out there today beyond some of the more basic and malefic defined in books that draw their information from Ptolemy in ancient Greece. The vast majority of astrologers tend not to look at celestial patterns of Mars nor see an opportunity to work with Mars on a ceremonial level
In this webinar, Daniel Giamario, the founder of the Shamanic Astrology Paradigm™ and the Giamario Approach ™ and co-founder of SAMS is teaming up with Erik Roth, a certified Shamanic Astrologer, Managing Director and SAMS teacher are offering a deeper look at the Mars in Aries transit in 2020 and what it means for humanity.
Aries is the sign the most resonates with Mars and its essence is about mission-orientation, being actional and a rugged-independence. It can be likened to the Guardian of the Cosmic Order. It is also a fire-elemental form that is fast-moving, willful and strength of force and martial skills to overcome obstacles. The intent of Mars in Aries is the freedom to choose to commit or be “all in” to a cause, purpose and/or mission.
Like all signs of the zodiac, Aries has been violated and corrupted over the last few thousand years in a direction for fighting wars and subscription to professional armies and especially for men.
Aries is championed also, at the same time, as the ultimate and fiercest warrior and that this is a “good thing” for society. Even today, warriors are shown in entertainment mediums as the ultimate good vs evil in a black and white adversarial drama story that is perpetuated across the globe. But Mars and Aries wasn’t always looked to like that, especially going back over 4,000 years.
Payment and Registration for the webinar below:
Please note that Platinum members of SAMS receive this webinar for free – you will automatically be included in the distrubution list.
To help you prepare for this webinar, we encourage you to read the following articles of past Mars transits and cycles:
- Overview of Mars Synodic Cycle by Daniel Giamario
- Mars in Libra by Daniel Giamario
- The Full Spectrum New Mars Cycle 2014-2016 by Daniel Giamario
- Mars and the Sacred Journey by Erik M Roth
- Wavelengths of Mars in Libra by Erik M Roth
What is Mars Retrograde? We will be sharing about the rarest of planetary retrogrades and what it means for us collectively and personally. To get an idea of why Mars goes into retrograde astronomically, please check out NASA’s info on it with a video here:
Some of What you will learn in this Webinar
- Insights about Mars NOT Taught Anywhere Else
- The Masculine within Women and other Genders
- A Deeper Understanding of the Masculine Mysteries
- The Distortion of the Masculine via Patriarchal Forces
- Learn to Follow Mars through the Night Sky
- What does Mars Retrograde Mean?
- Deeply Understanding the True Nature of the Masculine through Mars
- The Initiations and the Sacred Expressions of the Masculine
- Bringing Wholeness into Your Life by Understanding the Forces of the Masculine within You (Any gender)