We live in a time of great acceleration and change, where there is a critical need for a global, historical frame of reference offered by the Shamanic Astrology Mystery School (SAMS). At the same time, the Shamanic Astrology Mystery School also provides individuals with helpful experiential and conceptual tools for deeply engaging their unique life purpose – supporting each individual in their specific role toward the unfolding of a new era to benefit all.
In our modern age the leading paradigm has been an empirical scientific model. Our climatologists, social scientists, and economists offer a disturbing diagnoses including abrupt climate change with devastating natural disasters, overpopulation, dwindling resources, and economic collapse.
This view of our current situation on Earth offers very little, if any, philosophical or spiritual guidance. The Shamanic Astrology Mystery School on the other hand, comes from a larger context intended to assist people in navigating these times with greater awareness, wisdom, and courage.
It is easy to slip into fear, hopelessness, and overwhelm as we experience, both at the individual and collective levels, the accumulated weight and dysfunction of our collapsing dominant culture. Yet in ancient times, we would have understood that – similar to the Earth’s annual passage through changing seasons – we are in the midst of a larger cycle of death and rebirth or “Turning of the Ages.”
The Shamanic Astrology Mystery School offers valuable tools and insights that empower each person in midwifing a new way of being and living on Earth.
Organizational Structure and Principles
Shamanic Astrology is an evolving system sourced by Daniel Giamario in the early 1980’s. The Shamanic Astrology Mystery School (SAMS) is led by Founder and Executive Director Daniel Giamario and Co-Founder and Co-Director Cayelin Castell. We have established a Council (Board of Directors) to guide organizational policy and project implementation.
The first Managing Director of the School, Peter Klein, created eight volunteer-led committees that assisted with initial organizational development. Peter also led the effort that established SAMS as a 501 (c) 3 educational non-profit and he created many of the operating systems that are currently supporting the growth of the school. In March of 2012 the baton was passed to Erik Roth who has done an excellent job as Managing Director of the School ever since.
The Guiding Principles for the Shamanic Astrology Mystery School are at this link.
The Shamanic Astrology Mystery School Offerings
Since 1996, the Shamanic Astrology Mystery School (SAMS) has been offering apprenticeship and certification programs to train Shamanic Astrology practitioners. Through these outreach efforts thousands of individuals have attended our workshops and presentations. Through our team of certified Shamanic Astrologers, thousands more have received Shamanic Astrology counseling sessions. Additionally, our monthly newsletter serves about 5,000 subscribers and our website receives tens of thousands visits each month.
Shamanic Astrology Mystery School Overview
This Mystery School comprises an impressive body of knowledge in the form of an evolving curriculum for workshops, numerous articles, the recently revised (2014) and expansed edition of The Shamanic Astrology Handbook, CDs, MP3s, DVD’s and Videos, a Radio Program Series, Power Point presentations, a website (continually being redesigned and updated, most recently in 2019), and the knowledge embodied in the school Founders and multitude of Shamanic Astrologers certified through our programs.
Project Goals
The Shamanic Astrology Mystery School seeks to expand the scope and raise visibility for its programs, as well as establishing a Monument to the Turning of the Ages. The four core areas of development toward these goals are: Land-based, Virtual, Nomadic and Publishing, as well as support for our growing administrative needs.
- Continued development and promotion of website, online courses etc.
- Strategic Public Relations efforts to increase membership and visibility
- Purchase and development of state-of-the-art e-learning software and hardware
- Further development of curricula and materials for e-learning context
- Oversee pilgrimages to sacred cosmological sites around the world
- Conduct trips to research and document sacred cosmological sites around the world
- Design and construct earth-friendly teaching lodges and regional centers
- Identify and purchase land to construct cosmological sites dedicated to honoring the connection between earth and sky
- Establish a Daniel Giamario Fellowship program enabling Daniel, Cayelin and future visionary Shamanic Astrologers to research, write and publish articles and books toward the continual evolution of Shamanic Astrology.
Additionally, we seek funding for on-going administration and general operations. Thus far, administration, curriculum development and public relations work have been accomplished through the volunteer efforts of our Founders, Council Members and Committees. If you would like to make a tax deductible donation by check to support these efforts contact our Managing Director, Erik Roth, at shamanicastrology@gmail.com OR