For those who signed up for this webinar and the Platinum members of SAMS, we are happy to share the recorded video and bonus material (shadow of Aquarius audio from Daniel Giamario) of the 2nd Mars webinar in this Aquarius Mars Webinar Series.
Webinar 2: Mars Aquarius Synodic Cycle with Daniel Giamario and Erik Roth – 1 Hour, 37 Minutes
PDF of Mars Aquarius Cycle Slides Used in this video
2018-2020 Mars Aquarius Cycle Tables
Finding Your Mars Overtone – Archetypal Integration Tables
BONUS Material – Shadow of Aquarius by Daniel Gimario.
Daniel spoke at the Tucson Astrologer’s Guild on March 8, 2019 and the lecture was recorded live. You will hear introductions at the beginning of the 1st part of the talk, but after he dives into the powerful inquiry of the shadow of the sign of Aquarius.
Part 1 of 2 – Shadow of Aquarius (1 hour, 14 minutes)
Part 2 of 2 – Shadow of Aquarius (47 minutes)