Healers, Helpers and Counselors
Outreach for Helpers, Healers and Counselors includes the variety of helping and healing professions, such as: psychologists, counselors, coaches, naturopaths, chiropractors, acupuncturists, and massage therapists etc.
SAMS has much to offer in accelerating the capacity of a helper, healer, or coach, to more effectively assist another. Knowledge of the archetypes and the life cycles for a client is immensely helpful.
Knowledge of archetypal psychology and the Shamanic Timeline, are extremely helpful navigational tools that can greatly assist organizations, schools, and individuals with an already established practice. In addition to individual and team support, SAMS will offer effective presentations to the various organizations and schools of healing, counseling and coaching that already exist.
If you would like more information contact Viola Goodwin ms.viola.goodwin@gmail.com
Testimonials coming soon.