with our founders Daniel Giamario and Cayelin Castell!
December 19, 2015
This Four Hour Event starts at 12 pm Pacific, 1 pm Mountain, 2 pm Central and 3 pm Eastern Time
The beginnings of Shamanic Astrology Mystery School reach back to the 90’s, however it is December 23, 2007 that marks the ceremonial intent and beginning of the School as it exists now.
This year we are celebrating the School’s first Venus return (that began August, 2015 and lasts through March of 2017) since the ceremonial inception of the School. This also marks the formative first square of Saturn to the official SAMS chart. These cycles are significant and are visible in the growth and expansion of the school, as we are finding new ways to share the Shamanic Astrology Paradigm.
Because this is an online teleclass event, you can join us wherever you are by phone! If you can’t make the live event all the session will be recorded and available for download and replay after the event concludes.
A $50 Tax Deductible Donation gets you over 3 hours of NEW Shamanic Astrology insights! Please feel free to donate more! This Executive Summary describes what we hope to accomplish with your help!
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12:00 – 1:15 pm A look ahead to 2016 with Daniel and Cayelin
Every year at this time Daniel and Cayelin share insights about the most important collective cycles of the coming year. look ahead to the cycles of the next year. You will receive a handout with significant dates for 2016. Some of the featured and most significant cycles and timings of 2016 are:
- A Brief Recap of Saturn Square Neptune
- The new (very bright) synodic cycle of Mars, featuring the Sagittarius archetype.
- The continuing Venus journey featuring the Leo archetype, with the evening union of Venus and Mars as described in the Great Saga.
- A rare Mercury transit over the Sun (Its been 10 years since the last one)
- The Major Total Solar Eclipse in Indonesia
- And much, much more!
1:30 – 2:45 pm A Special One Time Event with Daniel and Cayelin
Daniel and Cayelin will explore the upcoming alignment of Jupiter and the North Node and how it applies to you personally by transit and from a collective perspective. This is a very rare triple alignment (the last time Jupiter and the North met three times in Virgo was in 1624 and 1625 and it won’t happen again until beyond 2306.
This class also adds to, and follows up on, last year’s Solstice class on the Lunar Cycle including the Lunar Nodes and the Lunar Standstill. (You will receive this audio from last December as a bonus when you sign up)
You will also receive Jupiter Tables so you can determine the sign Jupiter was in when you born, as well as tables on the Nodes so you can determine when your next Nodal Return or Nodal Reversal is occurring just by knowing your birthdate. You will also receive a table with the dates and signs of when Jupiter and the North Node come together in other signs and years.
This information is meant to empower your understanding of how to personally gain maximum benefit from with this rare event.
Daniel will also share some of his latest research in archeoastronomy, and what is being revealed as an alternative and more authentic world history (herstory).
2:45 – 4 pm Learn about the Ongoing Developments Happening in the School
Featuring the latest developments with a Question and Answer format hosted by Daniel, Cayelin, and other Council Members. We will share about our wonderful New Websites that we launched in 2015 (a total of three), what we are working on for 2016 and beyond, and much much more.