Current Astrology
Current events happening in the sky – both astronomically and astrologically – as well as cutting edge insights about the evolving paradigm as we navigate the current times.
Ramblings, Ruminations and Reflections of the Founder
Daniel Giamario’s monthly articles featuring his inquiries into current events and alignments, ongoing research into the Turning of the Ages, and astrological guidance informed by his 50+ years of astrological experience.
Beginner’s Corner
A monthly column written by Shamanic Astrologer, Sheridan Semple, highlighting the basics of The Shamanic Astrology Paradigm and how to get started using Shamanic Astrology in your life.
Timeless Articles
These articles stand the test of time, as we humans know it. Examples include how Shamanic Astrology came to be, what is Shamanic Astrology, understanding astrology as it relates to Earth history from an alternate perspective.
School News
This news concerns updated information about what the school is doing, including new events, teleclasses, products and fundraising efforts.
Daniel’s Archive
Articles Daniel Giamario has written over the years with some pre-dating the formation of the Shamanic Astrology Mystery School.
Articles on Venus, Mars and Mercury
As the title suggests, all the articles on Venus, Mars and Mercury can be found here. In addition, some classes and/or teleclasses on these planets can be found here as well.
Articles on Sun and Moon Eclipses
Lunar and Solar Eclipse seasons are times of potent celestial energy and so they evoke creative spirit to witness, take in, write and study the patterns of remarkable events. SAMS covers the eclipse seasons and over the years articles have been written on them, primarily by Daniel Giamario and Cayelin Castell.