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Cosmology of the Turning of the Ages DVD with Daniel Giamario and Cayelin Castell covering the most important aspects of the Galactic Alignment and why we are at the Turning of the Ages.  90 plus minutes. $35

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The Script” DVD recorded live with Daniel Giamario, Cayelin Castell and Lauren Jubelirer. This two hour video focuses on the “The Script” and the basic format for reading a natal chart including the Lineage, Tools and Equipment and Current Life Intent. A great teaching tool and refresher for the practicing Shamanic Astrologer. $45

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A Shamanic look at the Natal Chart of the United States of America DVD An in-depth at the Astrological Aspects that shaped the United States of America back in 1776. This two hour DVD is a great way to learn more about looking at an event chart.  $25

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An Exploration of Saturn and Pluto at the Turning of the Ages DVD A two hour DVD featuring Daniel Giamario and Cayelin Castell, covering the unique and intense transits of Saturn and Pluto in our current time. This is also useful for anytime these two planets are in dynamic aspect. $25.00

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The Sacred Marriage: A Shamanic Look at the Venus and Mars Cycles and Interaction.

A three -DVD set featuring Daniel Giamario and Cayelin Castell.  This set contains over six hours of incredible teaching on the Sacred Marriage aspect of natal chart analysis as defined by Shamanic Astrology. $75.00 (Members Price $60).

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