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Originator of the Shamanic Astrology Paradigm, Co-founder of SAMS
Astrologer, Tarot Reader, MIT, Linguistics Graduate Degree, Computer Science
Author, Dream Astrologer, Experienced Counselor
Psychotherapist, Ordained High Priestess, Teacher and Shamanic Astrologer
Shamanic Astrologer, Co-founder of Venus Alchemy and Active Dream Teacher
Psychologist, Counselor, Author and Teacher
Director of Venus Rising and University for Shamanic Psychospiritual Studies
Co-Founder of the Shamanic Astrology Mystery School and Venus Alchemy
Astrologer/Teacher, Author, Astrocartographer
Spiritual Counselor, Teaches Spiritual Alchemy, Ancient Wisdom and Vedic teachings
Shamanic Astrologer, serves on the SAMS Council Served on OPA Board
Astrologer, Teacher, Psychosynthesis Therapist and Hypnotherapist
Shamanic Astrologer, Teacher, Mentor, and Managing Director of SAMS
Modern Mystic, StarryTeller, and Astrologer
Natural Rhythms Founder and Wisdom Keeper, Bestselling Author
Founder and Director of University of Earth (UE) and practicing EcoPyschologist,
Awen Labow