The Underpinnings of the Practice of Shamanic Astrology
~ By Beau Taylor
Lately I’ve been going ‘back to basics’, turning my attention to the writings of some of the early pioneers in humanistic astrology in order to more deeply inform my personal astrological foundation.
As a clinical therapist, my roots are in both depth psychology and systems theory. I view human beings and the context within which we live as an interconnected, interpenetrating system of wholes. Nothing is separate.
The survival and optimal functioning of one organism is dependent upon and interrelated with the experience and outcome all other organisms in our known universe. As one human being, I contribute to this cosmic dance: I have an impact but I can never ‘stand apart’ from the dance to be fully objective about it, nor can I responsibly claim to be an expert source of knowledge about how it works or how it will unfold. I am part of it: a whole within the Whole. Read More