I started studying Astrology in the late 80s after meeting Daniel Giamario and receiving my first reading from him. At that time, he was living in Maui and was teaching one day classes on different aspects of this paradigm. I loved those classes! His way of perceiving and communicating Astrology was so digestible and usable to even those that hardly knew anything about it. I became a groupie.
Fast forward 30 years to present day and I am still studying Astrology with Daniel and now Cayelin Castell and other Shamanic Astrologers. Even though Shamanic Astrology (SA) is the most understandable and down to Earth form of Astrology I’ve ever studied, there is no lack of depth in it. I have found it is multilayered and as rich as the sky itself.
One of the foundational principles of SA is the opening lines to the Emerald Tablets “As Above So Below, As Within So Without”. This axiom is a reflection of the patterns of the constellations and the cycles of our Solar System and how it affects us transitory mortals spinning around on our beloved blue marble, Earth.
When I first heard Daniel and Cayelin use this statement, I understood the basics of it and thought it was quite clever to relate it to the stars but I really had no idea how deep this goes! Read More